Progesterone Replacement Therapy: Your Secret to Restful Sleep in Perimenopause and Menopause

Many women don’t know this, but perimenopause and menopause can turn our peaceful slumber into a hot mess, starting even in our late 30’s/early 40’s and lasting through the menopausal years. But luckily, there are effective holistic treatments available, and one of them is progesterone replacement therapy.

Why Progesterone is the Sleep Savior: Alright, let's get down to the science. Progesterone, which is a hormone we produce after ovulation in our ovaries, is a sleep and nervous system savior. It promotes relaxation and keeps sleep disturbances at bay. But during perimenopause and menopause, as our ovaries stop ovulating regularly and egg quality declines, progesterone levels take a nosedive, leaving us tossing and turning.

Enter Progesterone Replacement Therapy (PRT or HRT):

Bio-identical Progesterone Therapy or HRT is one of many tools I use to improve my patients’ sleep during the peri and menopausal shift. Taken before bed at night, progesterone helps the body to relax and maintain sleep, which has all sorts of other positive benefits.

  1. Better Sleep Quality: By supplementing your body with progesterone, you can restore that sweet slumber you've been missing. It helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, reduces awakenings during the night, and brings back that restorative sleep you deserve.

  2. Say Goodbye to Night Sweats and Hot Flashes: Hot flashes and night sweats can turn your cozy sheets into a sopping heap. Although changes in estrogen is most likely to contribute to hot flashes and night sweats, research shows that progesterone replacement alone can reduce hot flashes significantly.

  3. Mood Booster: When sleep suffers, so does our mood. Being exhausted all day can affect to many areas of your life- your ability to exercise, your relationships, and your ability to take care of yourself. Plus, progesterone metabolites stimulate GABA, which is a calming neurotransmitter.

Now, before you go out and start a DIY mission and buy over-the-counter progesterone creams (I’m not a fan), remember that every body is unique, and certain progesterone doses and delivery methods may be required to protect your endometrial lining while on other forms of HRT. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider who specializes in hormone therapy (hint- that’s me!) I'll assess your specific needs, hormone levels, and medical history to determine if bio-identical progesterone is the right path for you. Together, we’ll create a holistic personalized plan that suits your sleep goals and overall well-being.

It's time to reclaim those blissful nights of uninterrupted sleep! Luckily, progesterone works pretty quickly to alleviate your sleep troubles. Remember, you deserve a good night's sleep, and I’m here to help you figure it out the plan that works for you.

Meet Your Doctor

Hi, I’m Dr. Caitlin Fanning, Naturopathic Doctor!

I help women who are struggling with hormone imbalances, fatigue, and infertility optimize their hormones and get their life back so they can feel like their best self.

If you're ready to take charge of your health and make real, lasting changes to your energy, your hormones, or your overall well-being, I would love to talk more!


The Impact of Low Progesterone on Sleep During Perimenopause and Menopause


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